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How Often Do You Shear Alpacas?

The Aftermath Of Alpaca Shearing On Young Alpacas

Hello, alpaca people! Today, let's dive into the world of alpaca shearing, exploring the crucial role it plays in ensuring the comfort and well-being of these wonderful creatures. Alpacas, originally from the Andes Mountains, have been bred to have thick, dense fleeces over centuries. They now live all around the world, adapting to various climates. Alpacas still need annual shearing, but the timing depends on where they live. So, let's dig into this and discuss the significance of timely alpaca shearing and the role it plays in ensuring the comfort and health of our lovely fiber friends.

Overview of alpacas and their fiber

Alpacas are commonly raised for their fiber, which is safely harvested through an annual shearing process. Alpaca fleece is known for its warmth, softness, and sustainable qualities. Alpacas offer more than just their irresistibly soft fiber – they bring a touch of sophistication to your homestead. These hardy animals are adaptable to various climates worldwide, making them a practical addition to many farms. Their gentle and curious nature makes alpacas not just excellent fiber providers but cherished members of your family.

The importance of alpaca shearing

Understanding why shearing alpacas is essential involves considering both the original environment of alpacas and the process of breeding that the species has undergone over centuries. With origins in the Andes, these animals are accustomed to dry summers and cold winters. Traditionally, alpacas were sheared annually, giving their caretakers access to usable fiber and keeping the alpacas healthy and temperature regulated. 

Alpacas have been bred for thousands of years to grow thicker and denser fleeces. Now spread globally, alpacas have adapted well to various climates and landscapes. But these fiber-bearing beasts still require annual shearing in most locations, sometimes twice yearly if the climate is warm enough. Maintaining proper and timely shearing practices has always been paramount for the well-being and safety of alpacas, and that hasn’t changed.

Shearing Schedule

Seasonal considerations

The alpaca shearing schedule is dictated by the seasonal weather and the alpaca’s according needs. Alpacas need short fiber for summer heat and long fiber for winter insulation, aligning with the changing temperatures. That’s why springtime is the ideal season for shearing in most climates.

Regional factors

Alpacas now reside in diverse climates worldwide. Adjusting shearing schedules according to local weather conditions ensures their ability to adapt and stay comfortable in their specific location. In the Northeastern US, we typically shear alpacas between April-June. But depending on the location, the time frame changes. The idea is that you want to shear between when it’s too cold and too hot – so the target season is in the more mild spring-type weather.

Heat Stress Management

Alpacas' sweat mechanism

Similar to humans, alpacas rely on sweating to cool down. However, humid conditions can impede this natural cooling process, putting them at risk of heat stress. When an alpaca’s fiber holds too much moisture, it actually further insulates their fleece, resulting in poor heat regulation. This is also why you shouldn’t spray the bodies of your alpacas with water to cool them down – you may think it’s helping, but it can actually have the opposite effect. Instead, you can spray their legs to help them cool down. 

Monitoring heat index for risk assessment

To mitigate risks, it's helpful to monitor the heat index by combining the temperature with the humidity levels. This will help you understand what your alpacas are feeling in the heat and allow you to take the proper steps to keep them cool and safe, preventing overheating and ensuring the well-being of your fluffy friends.

Cold Stress Prevention

Growing fiber for winter

As winter approaches, alpacas need their longer fleeces to stay warm and protected from the weather, especially in colder climates. The unique semi-hollow strands of alpaca fiber serve as an effective insulation system, trapping heat close to the body and keeping them warm and dry. 

Planning When to Shear Your Alpacas

When deciding when to shear your alpacas, the timing largely depends on your circumstances. If you're shearing your alpacas on your own, you have the flexibility to choose the day that works best for you. Generally, earlier in the spring is considered ideal, before the onset of extreme summer heat. However, as long as shearing occurs before the scorching heat and high humidity arrive, any time within about a three-month window is acceptable in most climates. 

If you opt for the expertise of a professional alpaca shearing team, it's advisable to contact/book them well in advance and coordinate with their availability in your area. An experienced alpaca shearing professional can provide valuable insights, answer your questions, and address any concerns you may have about the optimal timing for your alpaca shearing, ensuring the best possible outcome for you and your alpacas.

Finding professional shearers

When seeking a quality pro alpaca shearer, it's wise to ask for recommendations from peers and mentors. Word-of-mouth suggestions usually lead to good alpaca shearers, as they come with vetted interactions that led to positive results. You can even coordinate with other local farms to all bring in the same shearer from out of your area, meaning you can have a better chance of getting one of the best alpaca shearers to shear your alpacas. Either way, the earlier you can get onto a shearers list, the more likely you are to have a good date set without having to worry about finding help in the last minute. This proactive approach ensures that your alpacas receive top-notch care when it’s needed.

Do alpacas need to be sheared?

Yes, alpacas need to be sheared for their well-being. Shearing helps them stay comfortable in changing seasons by preventing overheating in warmer months. It's a necessary and caring practice to maintain their health and happiness.


In conclusion, alpaca shearing serves more purposes than for collecting the fiber. It's a critical aspect of caring for these lovely animals, helping them to adapt to their diverse habitats, and ensuring their comfort throughout the changing seasons. Let's prioritize the well-being of our alpaca friends, keeping them happy and healthy year-round by having them on a proper shearing schedule!

Ebel Shearing Services


Ebel Shearing Services is based out of Western New York and regularly services the entire East Coast, most of the United States, and beyond.

©2023 by Ebel Shearing Services. 

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